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More Progress in the Fight Against FDA Oversight of Premium Cigars

Writer's picture: SmokeasySmokeasy

Cigar Rights of America Statement on FY 18 Agriculture Appropriations Bill

July 12, 2017 (Washington, DC) - Today, the US House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations debated the Fiscal Year 2018 Agriculture Appropriations Bill ("FY 18"). By a voice vote the full Committee passed a bi-partisan bill that included language that would protect premium cigars from proposed FDA regulation.

Cigar Rights of America (CRA) applauds the passage of the bill and the inclusion of the language protecting premium cigars from unwarranted regulation by FDA. CRA would like to thank both Appropriations Committee Chairman Rodney Frelinghuysen (R-NJ), and Agriculture Subcommittee Chairman Robert Aderholt (R-AL) as well as members of the Appropriations Committee for their leadership in addressing this issue, and for protecting the small business premium cigar manufacturers and retailers of this country as well as protecting the rights of adult consumers of premium cigars. J. Glynn Loope, Executive Director of CRA, stated upon the bill's passage, "The action taken today by the House Committee on Appropriations for a second consecutive year, is yet again another clear and definitive statement that Congress never intended for premium cigars to be treated like other tobacco products." Loope continued, "Congress continues to recognize the unique differences between premium cigars, and this language is a symbol that any effort by FDA to regulate them would run contrary to the intent of Congress.

CRA commends the working partnership with the International Premium Cigar & Pipe Retailers Association (IPCPR) to advance this essential language calling for exemption from federal oversight of the premium cigar industry.

Cody Carden (202) 469.3444

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