With over a century and four generations of family in Honduras they are committed to produce the finest cigars to honor Honduras, our legacy, and that of Rolando Reyes Sr. and his heirs (Reyes Family Cigars).
Kafie Cigars is excited to announce the addition of their new Ecuador Sumatra blend. Owner, Dr. Gaby Kafie states …. “We are getting set to offer connoisseurs three all time popular blends with this addition.” The company started its platform with a Cuban seed Habano maduro, then added an Ecuador Connecticut blend to their boutique cigars portfolio. With the introduction of this new colorado shade Sumatra Dr.Kafie feels, “we will be able to offer a solid and versatile line of boutique cigars.”
Kafie 1901 Cigars prides itself in doing business with brick and mortar shops (tobacconists). “The Kafie’s have always owned family businesses, and we believe in supporting similar establishments”, states Dr. Kafie.
The Kafie 1901 Sumatra features a shade grown Sumatra wrapper from Ecuador. The binder is from the farms of Reyes Family Cigars (Dani, Honduras), and filler tobaccos are a blend from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Their focus is in creating blends that are traditional, flavorful, balanced, and timeless. As with the Habano Maduro and Connecticut, the Ecuador Sumatra is a permanent blend. Kafie Cigars believes strongly in making cigars that connoisseurs will develop relationships with. There are great challenges in creating permanent blends, but we feel it is well worth the time and effort.
The Sumatra blend will be released November 1st and is being introduced in four vitolas: Robusto 5" x 50, Toro Bello 6" x 54, Torpedo 6½" x 52, and VI Sixty 6 "x 60. MRSP is in the $6.99 – $8.50 range.
Additional information on the Kafie 1901 Cigars brand and the Habano and Connecticut lines, check the website www.kafiecigars.com. Follow Kafie 1901 Cigars on social media: Facebook (Kafie 1901 Cigars), Twitter (@KafieCigars), and Instagram (@kafiecigars).