Cohiba Luxury Selection No. 2 - The Most Luxurious Cigar in the Cohiba Portfolio
Cohiba is proud to extend its critically-acclaimed Luxury Selection line with a new, limited edition vitola called No. 2.
The new parejo ships in October 2015 and is made with the identical, sublime blend of tobaccos that made Cohiba Luxury Selection a must-have cigar for connoisseurs. Robb Report agreed, and named Cohiba Luxury Selection to its coveted “Best of the Best” list for 2015 (click here for the article).
The blend begins in a primitive, equatorial African forest, where generations of the Meerapfel family have painstakingly cultivated a particularly refined Cameroon wrapper called Meerapfel African Gold. This extraordinary leaf is the stuff of legend, for the blood red soil yields an extremely rare tobacco that is a sight to behold as it is to smoke. Aged for five years, this ethereal tobacco comprises the very foundation of Cohiba Luxury Selection.
The binder (Mexican San Andres) and filler leaves (Dominican Piloto Cubano and Olor; Brazilian Mata Fina) are hand-selected and carefully fermented in a proprietary process lasting four months before undergoing an additional six months of aging in rum barrels.
Upon emerging from the artisans hands, the freshly-rolled cigars rest in special aging cases sprinkled with cedar shavings and tobacco leaves to enhance their flavor. The result is a cigar of incomparable taste and aroma.
Given the rarity of tobaccos and the amount of time it takes to create Cohiba Luxury Selection, only 1,000 boxes of the No. 2 frontmark have been made.
Cohiba Luxury Selection No. 2 -- 6” x 52
10-count boxes
SRP per cigar is $38.00