Random questions frequently asked by novice smokers and aspiring cigar connoisseurs
Should I remove the cellophane sleeves from my cigars before storing them in my humidor?
Yes and no...how's that for an answer?!
Bottom line is it really depends - yes, cellophane wrappers should be removed before placing cigars in the humidor; and no, cellophane wrappers should not be removed before placing cigars in the humidor.
Check out my post from October 2012 (click Cellophane: On or Off? Well, It Depends...) for reasons why you should or shouldn't. There are no true pros or cons to removing cigars from their cellophane sleeves. My personal choice is to leave them on - especially cigars that I plan to review so that there is no "marrying" of flavors with my other sticks.
Either way - on or off - it's all up to you!
Questions? Hit me up via e-mail at malik@smokeasy.net, on Twitter (@smokeasyblog), or on my Facebook page (Smokeasy).