Malik Cobb, CCT (aka Smokeasy) is a certified consumer tobacconist, and a cigar aficionado with a passion for indulging in the pleasure of cigar smoking, and an affinity for the finest cigars of the world. By virtue of his cigar knowledge and experiences over 20+ years, Malik provides individual and group "cigar coaching" services - teaching novice, and refreshing more experienced brothers & sisters of the leaf, on the right cigar selection, proper cigar etiquette, and everything in between.
Over the years, in addition to coaching, Malik has provided valued information to cigar lovers and tobacco retailers on the proper storage for their prized cigars. It became apparent that many either lack the knowledge, or lack the desired effort, required to maintain their humidors; thus resulting in dried-out or over-humidified smokes of significantly decreased quality. In response, Malik founded Humidor Season in 2014 in efforts to assist cigar collectors with the preparation, conditioning, and maintenance of their humidors to keep their cigars within the optimal environment for long-term storage and aging.
Being all about the cigar life, Malik established Smokeasy.net in July 2012, a cyberspace environment created with the mission to provide the global fraternity of cigar enthusiasts with the knowledge, expertise, and experiences of a seasoned aficionado. SMOKEASY is the place where discerning smokers congregate for noteworthy cigar news, industry press releases, cigar reviews, and interesting articles -- so read on, share your thoughts, and most of all, enjoy!